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Claim Your 20+ Guides, Blueprints & Other Resources
Thanks for being a member of the Ingeniosity crew. We’re proud to be the go-to source for online business building for 5,000 other entrepreneurs, founders & empire builders.
And, as a member of Ingeniosity, you get 20 guides, blueprints & other powerful resources for launching and scaling profitable businesses online.
Here’s where you can get all of these resources:
I like to store all of my education, resources & internal workflows inside of a service called ClickUp.
If you’re not familiar with ClickUp, they’re an awesome project management tool. And it’s free!
To claim all your bonuses, you’ll need to create a ClickUp account (don’t worry, put away your wallet and this only takes 36 seconds to do). Here are the steps you’ll want to follow:
Step 1: Create Your Free ClickUp Account
Hit the button below to signup for Clickup (don’t worry, it costs nothing) - or just use this link if you don’t see the button.
Step 2: Verify Your Email
Check your email and paste the code ClickUp gave you.
Step 3: Create Your Workspace
After verifying your account, you need to make a workspace.
This is just the folder inside of Clickup that will hold your guide.
You won’t be able to use your guide without making your workspace.
Just give it a name and answer a few of Clickup’s questions, it should take just a few seconds.
Step 4: Claim Your Blueprints
Hit the button to see all of our resources (or this link if you can’t see it)