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  • How To Get High Ticket Clients the Right Way

How To Get High Ticket Clients the Right Way

You might be interested in building a profitable high ticket marketing agency.

But let’s face it… There’s a LOT of bad advice out there when it comes to starting a marketing agency business as a beginner.

And if you followed some of the advice I’ve seen here on YouTube…

You’d end up broke and frustrated…but you also just might end up getting in legal trouble too!

I bring this up because one of my viewers asked this question under one of my videos:

"So trying to sell FB ads to pool remodelers as a beginner is probably a bad idea then?"

If you follow the advice of the social media marketing agency gurus, you'd be a complete fraud faking it until making it.

Because business is based on trust, and if you follow the fraudulent advice of a lot of these gurus out there, you’ll end up building zero trust and losing out on the potential millions you could have made.

So, to answer the question, is offering Facebook ads as a beginner a bad idea?


But, don’t let this scare you away from building and agency that charges high amounts, even if you’re a complete beginner.

As a beginner, you CAN land high ticket clients, just as long as you start here and follow this 4-step formula for going from zero to pro in a matter of weeks: